ALTEN announces 9.0% organic growth for 2023

ALTEN reveals that its organic growth reached 9.0% in 2023, with a particularly strong performance in France (10.2%) and also positive international results (6.4%). The sectors of Civil Aviation, Automotive and Defense & Security were the main drivers of this growth. Five new international acquisitions also marked the year, strengthening ALTEN's presence in the global market.

Despite these positive results, the operating income shows a decrease to €382.8 million, impacted by the integration of less profitable companies and a series of non-recurring costs. The corresponding operating margin stands at 9.4% of the revenue. The Group's net income follows this trend with a significant decrease to €233.2 million, representing 5.7% of the revenue.

The net cash position remains strong at €297.0 million, benefiting from a free cash flow increase of 23.5% compared to the previous year. This reflects efficient working capital management and a controlled investment policy. For the upcoming year, ALTEN remains cautious yet optimistic, anticipating a slowdown in the first semester of 2024 before a possible rebound.

R. P.

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