on TUI AG (isin : DE000TUAG000)

BlackRock, Inc. Increases Stake in TUI AG

BlackRock, Inc., the New York-based investment firm, has recently adjusted its holdings in TUI AG, resulting in a change in its share of voting rights in the company. This was officially disclosed according to Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act], highlighting the objective for Europe-wide distribution of this information.

As per the latest notifications on 12 March 2024, BlackRock's total share of voting rights in TUI AG has seen a slight increase from its previous position. The update reveals that BlackRock now holds 5.004% of the voting rights attached to shares, coupled with additional rights through instruments amounting to 0.67%, making a new total of 5.67%. This represents a marginal shift from the previously held total of 5.67%, altering the composition between direct shares and financial instruments.

The details underscore BlackRock’s strategic adjustments in its investment in TUI AG, reflecting changes in both share ownership and financial instruments. Notably, the disclosure also outlined the extensive chain of control within BlackRock, Inc., illustrating the complexity of its corporate structure related to its TUI AG investments.

This adjustment in BlackRock’s holdings in TUI AG is crucial for investors watching the travel and tourism industry's financial dynamics, particularly during a period of recovery and transformation post-pandemic. The disclosed information will aid stakeholders in making informed decisions regarding their engagements in TUI AG.

R. H.

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