on Capvis AG

Capvis AG refocuses its investments on succession solutions

European private investor Capvis has announced its intention to focus on individual transactions in the field of inheritance solutions. This strategic direction builds on Capvis' more than 30 years of experience in private equity, with more than €3 billion invested in 63 companies and 10 successful IPOs. The company recently acquired AdEx Partners and SCHURTER, in addition to making complementary investments and two successful exits in 2023. This focus on family businesses aims to combine stability and flexibility, thus promoting long-term strategies. To support these transactions, Capvis collaborates with family offices and long-term investors, and considers investment structures offering longer horizons than traditional private funds. This new strategy results in the closure of the Frankfurt office and a concentration of activities at the main headquarters in Baar, Switzerland. Currently, Capvis does not plan to raise a typical private equity fund.

R. E.

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