Cie du Bois Sauvage Announces Share Buy-Back for Last Week of March 2024

Stock price chart of COMPAGNIE BOIS SAUVAGE (EBR:COMB) showing fluctuations.

Compagnie du Bois Sauvage has officially reported the completion of its share buy-back transactions for the week stretching from March 25, 2024, to March 29, 2024. This action is in accordance with the authorization from the extraordinary general meeting held on April 28, 2021. Through this period, the company succeeded in purchasing a total of 1,074 shares. The transactions were executed on the regulated NYSE Euronext Market in Brussels, marking a significant step in the company's financial strategy.

The detailed transactions showcase a buying spree that started on March 25, 2024, with 165 shares purchased at an average price of €249.8788, escalating to a total expenditure of €262,905 by March 29. During this period, the shares’ average price slightly fluctuated, reflecting the dynamic nature of the stock market. By the end of this week, the total count of shares bought back since October 2, 2023, reached 15,313, accounting for 0.9% of the total number of shares, amounting to a considerable €4,028,102.00.

R. E.

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