on CapitalStage AG (isin : DE0006095003)

ENCAVIS AG significantly expands its solar park portfolio in Spain

Hamburg-based wind and solar farm operator ENCAVIS AG has announced the acquisition of two new solar farms in Andalusia, Spain, exceeding its 2023 electricity generation expansion target by 33%, reaching 1 terawatt hour (TWh). The Lirios solar park, located 35 kilometers west of Seville, is currently under construction and its networking is planned for the fourth quarter of 2025. On the other hand, the La Florida Hive park will be erected to the southeast of Seville and connected to the network in the second half of 2025.

With these acquisitions, ENCAVIS added approximately 550 MW of new generation capacity in 2023, which corresponds to the annual electricity production of 1 TWh. This marks a record in the company's history for acquisition of production portfolio in a financial year. Mario Schirru, CIO/COO of ENCAVIS AG, highlights the importance of these projects in a key market for the company, anticipating a rapid connection to the network.

R. P.

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