ENERGISME announces growth in its turnover in 2023 and reviews its governance

ENERGISME, a major player in the energy transition, reveals 2023 turnover of 5.8 million euros, marking an increase of 13.9% compared to the previous year. This growth is accompanied by an expected improvement in EBITDA, estimated between -2.8 and -2.5 million euros, denoting a clear progression compared to 2022.

The company also announces significant changes in its governance with the appointment of Ramez Nasser as Managing Director and Jérôme Knaepen as Deputy Managing Director. These appointments are part of a dynamic of strengthening the management team to accelerate the development of ENERGISME.

As part of its growth strategy, ENERGISME has obtained new financial resources, in particular thanks to a capital increase of more than 10 million euros in December 2023. This, combined with the acceleration of sales and the strengthening of its ecosystem of partners, aims to optimize cash generation and long-term profitability.

R. P.

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