on Farner Consulting AG (isin : DE0005494165)

EQS Group AG Receives Squeeze-Out Request from Pineapple German Bidco GmbH

Pineapple German Bidco GmbH, overseen by Thoma Bravo, L.P. funds, has officially requested a squeeze-out at EQS Group AG. This move aims to acquire the shares of minority shareholders for cash compensation, a strategy defined under Germany's stock corporation law. Pineapple German Bidco GmbH has announced it currently owns about 98% of EQS Group AG's share capital.

The specific date for the EQS Group AG general meeting, where a decision on this transfer will be made, will be announced following legal protocols. This announcement was made on March 1, 2024, from Munich, marking a significant step in the consolidation of ownership by Pineapple German Bidco GmbH within EQS Group AG. The financial details regarding the compensation for minority shareholders are yet to be disclosed.

R. H.

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