on Cairn Homes Plc (isin : IE00BWY4ZF18)

Equity share transaction by Cairn Homes Plc

On February 27, 2024, Cairn Homes Plc announced that it had purchased a total of 180,000 of its own ordinary shares on Euronext Dublin and the London Stock Exchange, through its broker Numis Securities Ltd. This transaction is part of its share repurchase program announced on March 3, 2023. The repurchased shares will be canceled, reducing the total number of outstanding common shares of the company to 648,661,542. The purchase allocation consists of 100,000 shares on Euronext Dublin and 80,000 shares on the London Stock Exchange, with a purchase price varying between €1,460 and €1,482 for Euronext Dublin, and between £1,252 and £1,268 for the London Stock Exchange. .

R. E.

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