EuropaCorp Reports 2023/2024 Annual Results

EuropaCorp posted a net profit of €0.9m for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. This positive outcome was supported by robust catalog activity, production relaunches, and reduced overheads.

Annual revenues stood at €35.3m, marking a slight 6% decline from the previous year. The cost of sales increased by €2.7m, driven by higher depreciation on line-up films. However, effective overhead control resulted in a 19% decrease in these costs, maintaining the operating profit margin at 10%.

Net operating cash flow was €18.4m, enabling investments in films and debt repayment. Upcoming releases include an English-language film set for Q3 2024 and two films currently in production.

International sales dropped to €17.4m, while TV & SVOD sales in France grew by 18%. Net debt increased slightly to €24.9m due to higher investment-related cash flow.

R. E.

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