on Findev Inc. (isin : CA31773A1075)

Findev Inc. Announces AGM Results

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / June 28, 2024 / Findev Inc. (TSX-V:FDI) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Shareholders on June 19, 2023, in Toronto. The results of the voting were highly supportive of the current management and proposals.

Devon Cranson, Anthony Heller, David Roff, Brice Scheshuk, and Sruli Weinreb were re-elected as directors, each receiving over 98.7% of the votes. Additionally, Dale Matheson Carr-Hilton Labonte LLP was re-appointed as the external auditors with 99.98% approval. The Corporation's incentive Stock Option Plan was renewed, receiving 98.6% of the votes cast in favor.

Out of 28,647,441 common shares issued, 14,194,785 were voted via proxy, representing 49.55%, held by 24 Shareholders. The management thanked Niall Finnegan for his service since 2016, who did not stand for re-election due to personal obligations.

R. E.

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