on The Vanguard Group, Inc. (isin : US12572Q1058)

Form 8.3 Filing Reveals The Vanguard Group's Stakes in Tyman plc

The Vanguard Group, Inc. disclosed its public opening position in Tyman plc through Form 8.3, required for parties holding over 1% of any class of relevant securities. As of 14 May 2024, the filings show that Vanguard controls approximately 1.46% of Tyman plc’s shares, with a total of 2,865,369 shares. On the same day, the fund also purchased additional 5,232 shares at a price of 3.81 GBP per unit.

In the same report, Vanguard Group indicated dealings with Quanex Building Products Corporation but did not disclose further details regarding this association in the document. Vanguard reiterated that there are no indemnity agreements, options, or other arrangements influencing its trading decisions related to Tyman plc.

This disclosure aims to provide transparency in accordance with the Takeover Code governing financial dealings and positions during takeover activities. It contributes significantly to the market's understanding of investment firm activities in relation to merger and acquisition events.

R. P.

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