on Diok GreenEnergy GmbH (isin : DE000A352B41)

GreenEnergy GmbH Secures Collateralized Green Bond 2024/2029

Cologne, July 3, 2024 – Diok GreenEnergy GmbH (DGE) has securitized its collateralized Green Bond 2024/2029. The bond is now traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Open Market) under ISIN DE000A352B41 / WKN A352B4.

DGE specializes in the development, power generation, and maintenance of large-scale battery storage systems and photovoltaic (PV) systems in Germany. This securitization marks a significant step for the company in securing stable income through long-term power purchase agreements, fixed feed-in tariffs, and electricity price arbitrage.

The global certificate represents a crucial financial instrument for DGE, boosting its capacity to invest in and expand its high-performance energy systems. The company aims to further solidify its position in the market with this strategic financial move.

R. P.

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