on HackerRank

HackerRank Launches Two New Solutions to Help Companies Become GenAI Ready

HackerRank, a developer skills company, has unveiled two new AI-powered products, SkillUp and Engage, aimed at enhancing organizational capabilities in mobilizing developer talent and accelerating tech hiring. Announced at the AI Day Virtual Summit with notable speakers from the tech industry, these solutions leverage the latest in AI advancements to prepare companies for the GenAI era.

SkillUp focuses on analyzing developers' current skills against targeted role proficiencies, crafting personalized learning paths for skill development. Meanwhile, Engage utilizes AI in crafting and executing real-world hackathons tailored to companies' industry-specific needs, facilitating the attraction and development of top developer talent. The introduction of these products addresses the growing need for AI skills development as highlighted by industry analysts and customers alike.

The changing landscape of software development, increasingly influenced by AI, demands a shift in the roles and skills of developers. HackerRank's new offerings aim to support companies and developers in navigating these changes by providing tools for skill analysis, learning, and industry-relevant challenge experiences. This initiative reflects HackerRank's commitment to empowering developers and companies in an AI-driven world.

R. E.

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