on Hardman & Co Research (isin : GB00BYYW9G87)

Hardman & Co Research Reports Strong Performance by The International Stock Exchange in Full-Year Review

Hardman & Co Research has highlighted The International Stock Exchange's (TISE) impressive performance for the year 2023, marking a significant achievement against the backdrop of subdued financial markets. TISE reported a revenue increase of 9% to £10.8 million and a fully diluted EPS growth of 18% to 170p, both surpassing expectations.

The resilience of TISE is underscored by its robust recurring annual listing fees, a key factor contributing to its strong financial position. Since 2020, TISE has paid out dividends that exceed its share price at that time (650p). Despite the largely unchanged forecasts, Hardman & Co has adjusted its valuation range upwards and introduced projections for 2025.

R. P.

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