JP Morgan Chase & Co. crosses the 5% threshold at Ubisoft

Stock price chart of UBISOFT ENTERTAINMENT (EPA:UBI) showing fluctuations.

By letter dated June 27, 2024, JP Morgan Chase & Co. announced that it had fallen below the threshold of 5% of capital and voting rights in Ubisoft Entertainment. As of June 24, 2024, JP Morgan held 4.89% of the capital and 4.50% of the voting rights.

This crossing was motivated by an off-market sale of shares and a reduction in shares held by assimilation. JP Morgan Securities plc specifically fell below the 5% threshold, holding 4,111,774 shares.

Furthermore, JP Morgan Securities LLC announced that it held 430,052 shares, part of which via “right of use over ADR” contracts and a contract authorizing withdrawal at any time. JP Morgan also holds various contracts and bonds convertible into Ubisoft shares.

R. H.

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