Kumulus Vape Maintains Its “Silver” ESG Rating

Stock price chart of KUMULUS VAPE (EPA:ALVAP) showing fluctuations.

Kumulus Vape, a French company specializing in the sale of electronic cigarette products, maintains its "Silver" classification with a score of 66/100 awarded by EthiFinance ESG Ratings. This score is higher than that of its peers, the sector benchmark being at 48/100. Although the overall score has slightly decreased by 2 points compared to the previous year, it remains above the national average of 59/100.

In social areas and with external stakeholders, Kumulus Vape stands out by achieving scores significantly above industry standards. The company is now among the top five in the French retail sector in terms of ESG.

Kumulus Vape plans to finalize its first carbon audit by the end of the year. This initiative aims to accurately assess its climate footprint and identify levers to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

R. H.

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