on Gimv (EBR:GIMB)

Launch of Gimv's Share Buyback Program for its Staff

The Board of Directors of Gimv has announced the start of a share buyback program, in compliance with Art. 7:215, §1, al. 3 of the Companies Code. This initiative aims to repurchase 30,000 shares as part of a purchase plan for Gimv employees. The program will commence on February 21, 2024, and will continue until the targeted volume is acquired, with an end date set for March 15, 2024.

The buyback will be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations, with the assistance of an independent broker who will make the purchases on the open market of Euronext Brussels. The acquired shares will be held as treasury shares until they are transferred to the staff. Gimv will provide regular updates on the progress of the program, in accordance with current regulations.

Gimv is a European investment company listed on Euronext Brussels, with over 40 years of experience in private equity. The company currently manages a portfolio worth 1.6 billion euros, consisting of approximately 60 companies. These companies generate a combined turnover of 3.7 billion euros and employ over 20,000 people.

R. P.

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