on Manz AG (isin : DE000A0JQ5U3)

Manz AG to Initiate Insolvency Proceedings Amid Financial Struggles

Stock price chart of Manz AG (EBR:M5Z) showing fluctuations.

Manz AG, a company based in Reutlingen, Germany, has announced its decision to file for insolvency proceedings due to financial difficulties. The insolvency is primarily caused by the company's current illiquidity and over-indebtedness. This decision follows the refusal by the company's creditors to extend further financial support.

Negotiations with various lenders and investors were in progress, aiming to secure new equity and debt capital. Talks with an interested investor reached an advanced stage but unexpectedly fell through, leaving Manz AG without a viable financial solution outside of insolvency proceedings. Despite the insolvency filing, the Management Board is continuing discussions with potential investors to explore future opportunities.

R. E.

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