Modification of the Composition of E-PANGO’s Capital as of December 31, 2024

E-PANGO, specialized in the supply of energy, has revealed the composition of its capital as of December 31, 2024. A total of 25,026,565 shares are outstanding with a notable distribution among the holders. The largest participation goes to the public with 85.8% of the shares, corresponding to 76.3% of the voting rights. The companies SAS ENUEVO and SAS PICOTY hold 4.9% and 4.0% of the shares respectively, with voting rights representing 8.5% and 7.0%.
Philippe Girard holds 3.4% of the shares, representing 5.9% of the voting rights. Finally, SAS ALP has a stake of 1.3%, represented by 2.3% of the voting rights. Treasury shares do not have voting rights. A correction has been made to the table previously published, specifying this absence of voting rights attached to treasury shares.
R. E.
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