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New Life Solutions Reacts to Florida Supreme Court's Abortion Law Decisions

On April 1, 2024, the Florida Supreme Court made two pivotal decisions that will significantly alter abortion laws within the state. These rulings are expected to dramatically shape the legislative and social landscape surrounding abortion rights in Florida.

The Court upheld the 15-week abortion ban set in 2022 and declared the six-week abortion ban (SB 300), passed in 2023, will be enforced starting May 1, 2024. Additionally, it greenlit the vote on the Floridians Protecting Freedom Abortion Constitutional Amendment (Amendment 4) for the November 2024 ballot. Amendment 4 posits that no law should "prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion" before fetal viability or when necessary for the patient's health, as determined by healthcare providers.

Charles DiMarco, President of New Life Solutions, expressed his disappointment in the Court's decision to allow Amendment 4 on the November ballot, labeling it as a move toward extreme pro-abortion legislation. He criticized the amendment for its potential to permit abortion-on-demand up to the moment of birth and for eliminating the necessity of parental consent for minors seeking an abortion, replacing it with a mere notification requirement.

Highlighting the ambiguous language of Amendment 4, DiMarco raised concerns about the vague terms used in the amendment and the resultant risks to women's health. He argued that the lack of clear definitions could lead to misuse of the amendment and possibly harm women's physical and emotional well-being. New Life Solutions is actively working to raise awareness about the implications of Amendment 4 and is encouraging community-wide participation and prayer to confront this challenge.

R. P.

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