on PATRIZIA Immobilien AG (isin : DE000PAT1AG3)

PATRIZIA SE announces new dividend policy and increase for 2023

PATRIZIA SE has revealed an update to its dividend policy as well as a proposed dividend increase for the 2023 financial year. According to this announcement, a dividend of EUR 0.34 per share will be proposed, marking a increase of 0.01 EUR or 3.0% compared to the previous year. This increase represents the sixth consecutive increase in the dividend since payments began in 2017. The final decision regarding this dividend proposal will be made at the annual general meeting scheduled for June 12, 2024.

The new dividend policy is based on two main pillars: PATRIZIA's desire to provide constantly growing dividends to its shareholders, despite market fluctuations, supported by a solid financial position and great financial flexibility; and the long-term objective of distributing more than 50% of the Group's annual net profit attributable to shareholders in the form of dividends. This policy will be applied taking into account the strength of the Group's balance sheet, its profitability, its available liquidity and the general market environment.

R. E.

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