on Pulsar Helium Inc. (isin : CA7459321039)

Pulsar Helium Inc. announces a delay in the drilling of Jetstream #1 appraisal well

Pulsar Helium Inc. (TSXV:PLSR), a company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange, has reported a delay in the drilling of its Jetstream #1 appraisal well within its Topaz helium project in Minnesota. Due to drilling fluid losses that hindered fluid circulation and the recovery of gas and drilling debris, the company has decided to switch from water-based drilling to air-based drilling. An air package is currently being mobilized to be connected to the contracted drilling equipment. Despite this setback, it is still anticipated that Jetstream #1 will reach the desired total depth and be completed by the first week of March.

Since the commencement of drilling, the Jetstream #1 site has been visited by local press agencies and a Reuters film crew as part of their upcoming Global Health 2024 documentary. Significant local stakeholders have also visited the site. The project is fully compliant with the State of Minnesota regulations regarding exploratory drilling.

Pulsar Helium Inc. focuses on the discovery and development of primary helium assets. Its portfolio includes the Topaz project in Minnesota, USA, and the Tunu project in Greenland, with Topaz demonstrating an exceptionally high helium concentration of 10.5%.

R. E.

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