on RapidTee Golf

RapidTee Golf Launches Revolutionary Tee-Time Booking Platform

PALM BEACH, FL / ACCESSWIRE / July 3, 2024 - RapidTee Golf, an innovative tech startup, announces the launch of its platform aimed at transforming the golfer's tee time booking experience. The new platform, available at, allows golfers to browse, book, and receive notifications of tee times at top local courses nationwide.

"Our mission is to simplify and enrich the golfer's experience," stated Dan Claroni, President and CTO. The platform's intuitive interface addresses common issues faced by golfers, featuring personalized preferences and a real-time notification system to keep users updated on tee time availability.

Key features include comprehensive tee-time access across multiple courses, real-time notifications based on user preferences, and an exclusive community that offers access to events, discounts, and giveaways.

RapidTee Golf offers a special discount for early subscribers who sign up before July 8, 2024. More information can be found on the company's website,

R. P.

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