REALITES Begins Negotiations on its Debt and Presents a Recovery Plan

Stock price chart of REALITES (EPA:ALREA) showing fluctuations.

REALITES is continuing discussions on its debt in agreement with its creditors. The group, supported by the Nantes Commercial Court and the CIRI, worked for five months within the framework of a Conciliation to restructure a total debt of 403.3 million euros. An ad hoc mandate was established, with a recovery strategy based on five axes.

The recovery plan includes cost reduction, operational restructuring starting in January 2025, and asset sales valued at €33.5 million. Financial partners are mobilized to ensure the completion of ongoing projects. Finally, debt restructuring is well on track.

CEO Yoann Choin-Joubert expressed his determination to safeguard jobs and the interests of creditors while implementing a restructuring protocol.

R. P.

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