on Shop Apotheke Europe N.V. (isin : NL0012044747)

Redcare Pharmacy Announces Internal Succession Plan Following Early Departures

Redcare Pharmacy disclosed an internal succession plan in response to the early departures of two key management figures, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Stephan Weber and Chief Information Officer (CIO) Marc Fischer. This announcement follows their resignation request, approved by the Supervisory Board, scheduled for the Annual General Meeting on 17 April 2024.

The transition arrives nearly a year before Weber and Fischer were set to complete their terms, marking a well-timed shift in leadership roles. Dirk Brüse is set to take over as CCO, while Lode Fastré will assume the role of CIO. Both have significant ties and contributions to Redcare Pharmacy, indicating a seamless succession informed by an in-depth evaluation process.

Brüse, involved with Redcare Pharmacy since 2017, has played a pivotal role in managing the DACH region's P&L and retail media. Fastré, a co-founder of Farmaline acquired by Redcare Pharmacy in 2016, has been instrumental in the company’s technological advancements and international expansion. Their appointments are pending approval at the upcoming Annual General Meeting.

To facilitate a smooth transition, Weber and Fischer have agreed to provide advisory support to Redcare Pharmacy until October 2026, contingent on AGM approval. This strategic move ensures continuity and leverages their extensive experience during this pivotal phase for the company.

R. E.

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