on Global Education Communities Corp. (isin : CA17163Y1025)

Results of the Board of Directors Election of Global Education Communities Corp.

Global Education Communities Corp. (GECC), a major company in the education and student real estate investment sector in Canada, announced the results of the election of its directors at its annual general meeting on February 23, 2024. The candidates proposed in the management information circular of January 8, 2024, were all elected. The results show strong support for most of the nominees, with Toby Chu and Troy Rice receiving 90.65% and 91.62% of the votes in favor, respectively, while Tony David, Derek Feng, May Hsu, and Shane Weir each received 99.65% of the votes in favor.

Founded in 1994, GECC serves over 14,277 students in Canada and abroad through its educational subsidiaries, student-centered rental apartments, and recruitment centers. GECC also owns Global Education City Holdings Inc., managing a significant educational real estate portfolio, and Global Education Alliance Inc., specializing in the recruitment of international students for North American educational institutions. Their presence in the field of education and student real estate reflects the scope of their services and their impact on the global education market.

R. P.

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