on Roemer Capital (Europe) Limited

Roemer Capital Announces Voluntary Tender Offer for ROS AGRO GDR Holders

Roemer Capital (Europe) Limited has launched a voluntary tender offer aimed specifically at certain holders of Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) representing the ordinary shares of ROS AGRO PLC. The tender, which was announced on April 29, 2024, invites eligible GDR holders to sell back up to 9,000,000 units at a set price of USD 11 per GDR. The offer is set to expire on May 29, 2024, at 16:00 UTC.

The tender process and criteria for eligibility are detailed in both the Invitation to Voluntary Tender Memorandum and the template tender instructions, which are available on Roemer Capital’s designated website. This financial maneuver is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, ensuring oversight and legitimacy in the proceedings.

Roemer Capital advises all eligible GDR holders to seek independent financial and legal advice before deciding to participate in the tender offer. The firm emphasizes that it reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to reject any tender instructions, to not accept any GDRs, or to modify the terms and conditions of the tender documents at any time.

R. P.

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Click here to consult the press release on which this article is based

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