on Gimv (EBR:GIMB)

Sagard finalizes the acquisition of Groupe Acceo from Gimv

On February 27, 2024, Sagard announced the acquisition of Groupe Acceo, an independent French specialist in engineering, inspection and regulatory certification services for building managers and owners. This operation, with the reinvestment of Gimv alongside Sagard, marks a new stage in the development of Acceo, aiming for expansion, particularly in the rapidly growing energy sector.

Founded in 2003 near Marseille, Acceo has expanded its offering to meet all the technical and regulatory needs of buildings, positioning itself as a multi-service specialist in the segments of elevators, health and safety, accessibility and energy. With more than 2,200 active customers, ranging from condominium associations to commercial building operators, the group has affirmed its differentiating and agile model based on customer proximity and the digitalization of its services.

Since its acquisition by Gimv in 2016, Acceo has experienced solid organic growth, complemented by four acquisitions which have expanded its offering and geographic coverage. Under the leadership of Jérôme Spencer since 2021, the company has accelerated its development, particularly in energy efficiency, with sales forecasts exceeding 50 million euros for 2024. Acceo's management team, maintaining a significant part of the capital, will benefit from the support of Sagard to continue the development of the group.

R. E.

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