on Siyata Mobile, Inc. (NASDAQ:SYTA)

Siyata Mobile Inc. secures significant order for vehicle communication devices

Siyata Mobile Inc., a global developer and seller of Push-to-Talk over Cellular (PoC) devices and accessories, has announced that it has received an order for 1,000 units of its UV350 device for vehicle fleets. This order comes from an international emergency medical services (EMS) provider. The company plans to deliver the units during the first quarter of 2024.

Siyata CEO, Marc Seelenfreund, emphasized the importance of this order in strengthening the company's position in the first responder sector. He described the UV350 as a smartphone specifically designed for vehicle fleets, aiming to optimize mobile communications on the go. This new collaboration is seen as an opportunity to expand Siyata's geographical diversity of revenue sources.

The company is banking on expanding its distributor network, a steady flow of orders, and a growing pipeline of new identified sales opportunities to achieve its primary goal in 2024: accelerate sales and achieve profitability in the coming quarters.

Regarding Siyata Mobile, it is a B2B company developing and marketing next-generation Push-To-Talk over Cellular devices and accessories to organizations worldwide. Siyata's products are used by various organizations, including the police, firefighters, ambulance services, and many others.

R. P.

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