on Sokoman Minerals Corp (isin : CA83410M1014)

Sokoman Minerals Corp announces promising discoveries in its 552 zone

Sokoman Minerals Corp. recently shared interim results from its winter drilling program at the 552 Zone, showing intersections of quartz veins containing visible gold. During this program, two of the first three holes exhibited these promising characteristics. All three holes encountered structure 552, including a 2.0m segment in the deepest hole displaying up to 30 points of visible fine gold.

President and CEO Timothy Froude expressed satisfaction with the progress of work in Area 552, noting that the region had been little explored previously and remained open to further investigation. The link between zone 552 and the nearby zone 253 remains to be determined, which will constitute one of the points of interest of the current program.

This winter's diamond drilling program, covering a strike length of 150m and targeting a vertical depth of 125m in Zone 552, aims to further explain the continuity and composition of the mineralization found. Results so far suggest the presence of a locally vuggy quartz veination zone, rich in various minerals, indicating significant potential.

Future exploration will include testing of the upper portion of the Footwall Splay, as well as attempts to expand the understanding of Zone 552 and further explore the potential connection with Zone 253. The company intends to continue its exploration work throughout respecting QA/QC standards for the precision of analysis results.

R. E.

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