on The Vanguard Group, Inc. (isin : US12572Q1058)

The Vanguard Group, Inc. Declares Holdings in Redrow plc

In a recent public disclosure, The Vanguard Group, Inc. revealed its significant shareholding in Redrow plc, a prominent UK-based housebuilding company. The announcement dated 06 March 2024, detailed their ownership, amounting to 4.06% of Redrow plc's shares. Specifically, The Vanguard Group, Inc. controls 13,439,894 shares, illustrating their substantial interest in the company's financial performance and strategic direction.

Furthermore, the disclosure mentioned a transaction involving the sale of 5,345 shares at a price of 6.55 GBP per share. This sale occurred on 05 March 2024, demonstrating The Vanguard Group's active management of its investment portfolio. Additionally, according to the filing, The Vanguard Group also disclosed interests relevant to another party, Barratt Developments plc, indicating its involvement in the broader UK homebuilding sector.

The declaration adheres to the requirements of Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, ensuring transparency regarding the ownership of shares that amount to more than 1% of a company's issued share capital. No derivatives or other financial instruments related to these holdings were reported, nor were there any arrangements or agreements disclosed that might affect voting or investment decisions.

R. H.

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