on The Vanguard Group, Inc. (isin : US12572Q1058)

The Vanguard Group, Inc. makes public its position in Smith (DS) plc

The Vanguard Group, Inc. disclosed its current position in Smith (DS) plc on February 26, 2024, according to Form 8.3 submitted pursuant to the Takeover Code. This document shows that The Vanguard Group currently holds 61,986,672 ordinary shares of 10p in Smith (DS) plc, representing 4.50% of the voting rights. In addition to this stake, The Vanguard Group has also reported interest in Mondi plc.

On February 23, 2024, The Vanguard Group made an additional purchase of 1,195 ordinary shares of Smith (DS) plc at a unit price of GBP 3.21, thereby adjusting its previous position. Please note that the Company does not hold any cash liquidated derivatives or equity settled derivatives (including options) and has not participated in any other transactions in the relevant securities. The Vanguard Group has confirmed that it has no provision, agreement or understanding, formal or informal, which could serve as an inducement to proceed or refrain from any transaction.

R. H.

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