on ThirtyFiveSixtyFour

ThirtyFiveSixtyFour: A new podcast for 35-64 year olds

The new podcast program ThirtyFiveSixtyFour, dedicated to listeners aged 35-64, is now available on all major podcast platforms such as Spotify, Apple, Pandora and iHeartRadio. Featuring weekly episodes, the show specifically targets the middle-aged demographic with thought-provoking discussions, humorous anecdotes and a range of engaging content.

Based in Newport Beach, California, ThirtyFiveSixtyFour promises interviews with experts and guests from diverse backgrounds, including authors, TED speakers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, therapists, and more. Each episode aims to deliver rich and varied conversations, intended to entertain, challenge, enlighten and inspire the audience.

Karen Stones, host of ThirtyFiveSixtyFour and a child of Generation With over 20 years of experience in communications and marketing, Karen stands against the traditional mid-life crisis narrative, preferring to see mid-life as a time of confidence, reinvention, growth and fun.

R. P.

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