TRILOGIQ Shows Solid Growth and Improved Margins in 2024

Stock price chart of TRILOGIQ (EPA:ALTRI) showing fluctuations.

The TRILOGIQ company has published its consolidated accounts for the financial year ending March 31, 2024, marked by an 8% increase in turnover, reaching €24,070 thousand. The gross margin increased by 3 points, reaching 61.3% of turnover.

The gross operating surplus (EBE) was multiplied by three, from €631 thousand to €1,802 thousand. This improvement is largely due to optimization of purchasing, a reduction in manufacturing costs and increased team productivity, particularly in Europe and North America.

The financial result amounts to €789 thousand, including interest on term accounts and foreign exchange gains. The Group's share of net profit stood at €1,549 thousand, compared to a loss of €634 thousand the previous year.

The company's net cash flow increased by €2,366 thousand, reaching €22,950 thousand as of March 31, 2024. TRILOGIQ plans to continue this momentum in 2024-2025, by focusing on the innovation and dynamism of its teams.

R. P.

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