on Turkiye Garanti Bankasi A.S. (isin : US9001487019)

Turkiye Garanti Bankasi A.S. Releases 2023 Integrated Annual Report

Turkiye Garanti Bankasi A.S. announced the release of its 2023 Integrated Annual Report on March 01, 2024. The report, which outlines the bank's performance between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, is available in both Turkish and English. Interested parties can access the document through PDF files attached to the announcement or visit the bank's official website and the Garanti Investor Relations web page for additional details.

The bank emphasizes the accuracy and conformity of the report with the principles outlined in the Board's Communiqué, Serial II Nr.15.1. It asserts the information presented reflects their records accurately and that due diligence was exercised to ensure the completeness and correctness of the disclosed information. Garanti BBVA reassures its commitment to transparency and responsibility in its declarations.

For further inquiries or details regarding the report, Garanti BBVA has made contact information available, including telephone and fax numbers, and an email address designated for investor relations.

R. P.

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