on U-blox AG (isin : CH0033361673)

U-blox launches NORA-W4 Wi-Fi 6 module, a versatile solution for the mass market

u-blox, a global leader in location and wireless communications technologies and services, announced the launch of its new NORA-W4 module. Aimed at IoT applications, such as home automation, asset tracking, healthcare and industrial automation, NORA-W4 stands out for its reliability, low cost and compact size (10.4 x 14.3 x 1.9 mm).

Built on the Espressif ESP32-C6 SoC, this tri-band Wi-Fi 6 module is designed to optimize usage in battery-powered devices, reducing systemic costs and facilitating implementation. NORA-W4 improves throughput and reduces latency in environments where network congestion is an issue, such as factories or warehouses, using Wi-Fi 6 technology.

Compatible with Matter, Thread and Zigbee protocols, NORA-W4 promotes interoperability with other smart home devices. Advanced security measures, such as secure boot and flash encryption, enhance the reliability of the module. Samples are already available, with volume production planned for the second half of 2024.

R. P.

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