on The Vanguard Group, Inc. (isin : US12572Q1058)

Vanguard Group Inc. Announces Stake in Smith (DS) plc

The Vanguard Group, Inc., disclosed its substantial shareholding in Smith (DS) plc, revealing an ownership of 61,922,118 shares which translates to a 4.49% interest in the company. This disclosure follows the guidelines of Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, specifying financial dealings and positions held that represent over 1% of a company’s securities.

As per the report dated 15 May 2024, recent transactions include the purchase of 2,160 shares at 3.68 GBP and 7,050 shares at 3.69 GBP each. These dealings underscore Vanguard’s continued investment and interest in Smith (DS) plc amidst ongoing market activities.

In addition to Smith (DS) plc, Vanguard is also involved with the International Paper Company, indicating a diverse portfolio within similar sectors. Vanguard has stated there are no indemnity or dealing arrangements that might influence their investment decisions regarding these securities.

R. E.

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