on The Vanguard Group, Inc. (isin : US12572Q1058)

Vanguard's Investment in Tritax Big Box REIT plc

The Vanguard Group, Inc. disclosed its position in Tritax Big Box REIT plc on February 22, 2024, in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code. The company holds 101,212,952 ordinary shares with a nominal value of 1p, representing 5.32% of the total voting rights.

This announcement comes as Vanguard also states its interests in another company, UK Commercial Property REIT Limited, highlighting its active involvement in the UK real estate sector.

On February 21, 2024, Vanguard conducted a transaction involving the sale of 91,176 ordinary shares of Tritax Big Box REIT plc at a unit price of 1.53 GBP. This transaction illustrates the investor's strategic moves as part of its portfolio management activities.

It is worth noting that no operations have been reported regarding cash-settled derivatives or equity-settled derivative transactions, including options or purchase/sale agreements. Furthermore, no form of security or agreement related to these securities has been disclosed, suggesting that the current positions are held without specific ancillary arrangements.

R. E.

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