WALLIX Rewarded for its Environmental and Social Commitment

Stock price chart of WALLIX (EPA:ALLIX) showing fluctuations.

WALLIX, a European cybersecurity software publisher, has received the Greenly silver medal for its first carbon footprint, demonstrating its environmental commitment. This footprint, covering 2023, includes all greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) and earned WALLIX a score of 32, placing the company among the 15% of companies in ecological transition.

At the same time, WALLIX has been awarded the gold medal in the Ethifinance ESG Ratings campaign for the second consecutive year. With a score of 80/100, an improvement of 2 points, the group outperforms the sector average of 52/100 and ranks among the best in the information technology sector. This double success reflects the company's sustained efforts in social and environmental responsibility.

R. H.

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