BAIKOWSKI: 2024 first-half business


2024 first-half business 

 Strong revenue growth: +13.4% to €26.0m  Electronics market recovery confirmed  Sustained growth expected for full-year 2024

Poisy, July 26, 2024 - 8:45 am (CET) - Baikowski® (ALBKK - ISIN: FR0013384369), a leading producer of specialty industrial minerals founded more than 100 years ago, is repor ng its revenue for the first half of 2024. 

2024 first-half consolidated revenue came to €26.0 million, up 13.4% from the first half of 2023.

At June 30 (€m)





like-for-like basis

Half year







In an uncertain and vola le macroeconomic environment, Baikowski's business confirmed a recovery in demand in its main market segments, par cularly in the electronics market. Revenue for chemicalmechanical polishing rebounded following a significant slowdown in 2023. 

In other markets (automo ve, ba eries, aerospace & defence, and medical), commercial ac vity was solid overall, marked by revenue diversifica on towards new industrial applica ons (addi ves, technical ceramics, polishing, etc.).

In the first half of 2024, the geographical breakdown of revenue was as follows: Asia and the rest of the world contributed 56% (compared with 51% in 2023), the Americas 29% (compared with 37% in 2023), the rest of Europe 11% (compared with 9% in 2023), and France 4% (compared with 3% in 2023).

In long-term markets driven by innova on, Baikowski® con nued to roll out its research and development (R&D) efforts with a view to diversifying its offering and enhancing its poten al for future growth. A concrete example of this strategy is the recogni on received in April 2024 when Baikowski® was selected as the France 2030 plan winner for its innova ve project to decarbonize alumina produc on, carried out in partnership with ECM Technologies, Saint-Gobain and ICGM.

Outlook for 2024 

Baikowski® remains favourably posi oned over long cycles and con nues to develop promising projects, notably to support the energy transi on. In the short term, the main market trends remain posi ve. Against this backdrop, Baikowski® expects strong revenue growth in 2024.

2024 half-year results and 2024 half-year report publica on on September 20, 2024, before the start of trading.

About Baikowski®

Founded in 1904, Baikowski® is a world leader in the produc on of specialty industrial minerals, in par cular ultra-pure alumina, as well as other oxides such as spinel, phosphors, zirconia and cerium oxide. These products are used in the composi on of technical ceramics, precision polishing and addi ves. The quality of Baikowski® products enables it to address a wide range of high-tech markets, including electronics, automo ve, green energy, aerospace, defence, medical and watchmaking.

Baikowski® has been commi ed to a responsible resource management policy for many years and is ac vely involved in the development of tomorrow's sustainable technologies. Baikowski® is present on three con nents (France, USA, and Japan) and has commercial offices and agents in South Korea and China.



Baikowski® is listed on Euronext Growth Paris (ISIN: FR0013384369 - Ticker: ALBKK).


All company informa on can be found at:


•       Media Rela ons: Benoît Grenot - Chief Execu ve Officer - +33 (0)4 50 22 69 02 -  

•       Investor Rela ons: Jean-Christophe Le Floch - Chief Financial Officer - +33 (0)4 50 22 69 02  

•       Financial communica on: CALYPTUS - Cyril Combe - +33 (0)1 53 65 68 68 -

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