CNP Assurances announces the appointment of Marie-Aude Thépaut as Group CEO


                                                                                                                                                                    Issy-les-Moulineaux, 11 January 2024

CNP Assurances announces the appointment of Marie-Aude Thépaut as Group CEO

Acting on the recommendation of its Remuneration and Appointments Committee, the CNP Assurances Board of Directors has appointed Marie-Aude Thépaut as Chief Executive Officer of the Group. She succeeds Stéphane Dedeyan, who was appointed Chairman of the Management Board of La Banque Postale on 18 October 2023. 


The Board of Directors wishes to express its heartfelt thanks to Stéphane Dedeyan for his exceptional contribution to the transformation of CNP Assurances. Committed alongside our shareholder La Banque Postale to creating a leader in bancassurance within the major public financial division, Stéphane Dedeyan oversaw the construction of a comprehensive insurer by finalising the merger with La Banque Postale and integrating La Banque Postale’s insurance activities into CNP Assurances. The Board of Directors would like to pay tribute to his decisive action geared towards CNP Assurances’ international and multi-partnership development. 



The Board of Directors is delighted to entrust general management of CNP Assurances to Marie-Aude Thépaut, previously director of the Group’s Europe BU (Business Unit) excluding France. She will be tasked with rolling out the ambitious strategic development project in all our markets in France and abroad. Her innovative strategic and managerial vision will be an undeniable asset in driving our Group’s multi-partner, international and responsible model, benefiting our partners and customers in all the regions in which we operate.


The ACPR (the French Authority in charge of the supervision of the insurance sector) has been informed of the decision of CNP Assurances’ Board of Directors, as provided for in article L612-23-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code for the senior managers of insurance companies.  Biography of Marie-Aude Thépaut 

imageMarie-Aude Thépaut, 40, is a certified actuary and holds a Master's degree in mathematics (with a specialist option in actuarial methods) from the Euro-Institute of Actuarial Science (University of Bretagne Occidentale, 2006). 

She joined CNP Assurances in 2006 as an actuary, before being appointed head of an actuarial department within the Technical Division in 2011. In 2014, she became head of the Insurance Risk Department within the Risk Management Division, before becoming head of the Subsidiary Supervision and Coordination Department in 2020. 

In 2021, she was appointed Head of Performance Management in the Finance Division before taking over as head of the new Europe BU (excluding France) on 1 June 2022 and becoming a member of the Executive Committee. In so doing, she contributed to the international development of CNP Assurances by unifying and coordinating the European subsidiaries and branches (4 subsidiaries and 2 branches), negotiating strategic partnerships and developing the open model in Europe.




image Chairwoman of the CNP Assurances Board of Directors


“Throughout her career at CNP Assurances, Marie-Aude Thépaut has demonstrated exceptional skills, both from a technical and managerial perspective, and put her indepth knowledge of the insurance sector to good use in France as well as internationally. She is the embodiment of our company's vitality. Together with all our employees, she will be committed to driving the company’s development to serving our stakeholders in a world undergoing profound change. 

I would like to personally thank Stéphane Dedeyan for his work in developing and transforming CNP Assurances. He has made a particularly strong impression through his ability to tap into employees' energy and get everyone committed to driving the Group forward. I am delighted to continue our collaboration with him within the bancassurance group that we are forming with La Banque Postale.”

About CNP Assurances

Present in 19 countries around the world, the CNP Assurances group is a leading player in the insurance industry with more than 6,500 employees and net profit of €1,939 million in 2022 (IFRS 4). A subsidiary of La Banque Postale, CNP Assurances is a member of the major public financial group. In France, CNP Assurances is No. 1 in property loan insurance, No. 2 in life insurance and, in 2023, will have integrated the property insurance activities of La Banque Postale, making it a comprehensive insurer of property and persons. It is the fifth largest insurer in Europe, particularly in Italy, which is now its second largest market after France. In Brazil, the Group’s solid growth has enabled it to reach third place. Based on a multi-partnership or “open” model, its solutions are distributed through long-term strategic partnerships. In total, more than 32 million people worldwide are insured by CNP Assurances for personal risk/protection and 14 million for savings and pensions. CNP Assurances is a responsible insurer and investor (€400 billion invested in all sectors of the economy). It works to promote an inclusive and sustainable society by providing solutions that protect and facilitate all life journeys for as many people as possible.

