Half-year statement of Solocal Group Liquidity Providing Contract with Natixis ODDO BHF
As per the Liquidity Providing Agreement signed between Solocal Group (FR001400SA10), and Natixis Oddo BHF, the following assets were held by the liquidity account as of 31 December 2024:
- 2,260 Solocal Group shares; and
- € 10,130.70
As a reminder, at the date of signing of this agreement, the following assets were allocated to the liquidity account:
239,822 Solocal Group shares; and
- € 429,583
The following transactions were executed from 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024:
- 443 buy transactions
- 384 sell transactions
Over the same period, volumes exchanged represented:
- 2,887,897 shares and € 77,662.10 bought
- 1,259,482 shares and € 73,624.70 sold
EN - Solocal -
Solocal is the digital partner for all local companies in France, from VSEs, to SMBs or Large Companies with networksWe advise over 240 000 companies all over France and support them to boost their activity thanks to our digital services (Relational Presence, Websites and Digital advertising). We also bring users the best possible digital experience with PagesJaunes,. We provide professionals and the public with our high audience services (16M views for PagesJaunes / TOP 50 Mediametrie), geolocalised data, scalable technology platforms, unparalleled commercial coverage across France, our privileged partnerships with GAFA.