INDIGO Group announces the completion of the acquisition of 100% of Transdev Group's on-street activities in France


La Défense, 2nd October 2024

Press Release


INDIGO Group announces the completion of the acquisition of 100% of Transdev

Group’s on-street activities in France 

INDIGO Group announces the completion of the acquisition of Transdev Group’s on-street parking activities in France, namely Transdev Park Voirie (TPV), as well as a 70% stake in CSV, held alongside the Egis group, both operated under the Moovia brand. The entire portfolio comprises 37 contracts in France and generated nearly 21 million of euros of revenues in 2023. 

In France, INDIGO Group already operates 90 on-street contracts on behalf of 85 cities. The geographical complementarity of the contract’s portfolio, the addition of operational and commercial expertise, the shared culture of excellence, will create significant synergies, and the combined new structure will offer to the 264 new employees welcomed by INDIGO Group new career prospects and professional mobility. 

These acquisitions are fully aligned with INDIGO Group’s strategy to consolidate its activities across the entire value chain of on-street management, flow regulations and sharing public space: enforcement, maintenance of parking meters, mobile payment via its universal digital tool (in off-street and on-street) Indigo Neo, management of right holders and claims, as well as the management of spaces for new urban regulations (Low Emission Zone – Limited

Traffic Zone).    

In particular, INDIGO Group positions itself as a privileged partner of the City of Paris on topics related to mobility and on-street regulation, notably through the CSV company, which operates parking control in 13 of the 20 Parisian districts. Now associated within this structure, INDIGO and Egis intend to expand their partnership, particularly to future projects for regulating flows and access to city centers in major European metropolises. 

“With the acquisition of Transdev's on-street parking activities, INDIGO reaches a key milestone in its ambition to become a major player in urban mobility in France. This operation will create a French champion in on-street parking management, and will consolidate our partnership with local authorities to support cities in their transformation. Thanks to our multiple areas of expertise (on-street activities, parking infrastructure management, digital solutions via Indigo Neo), we are acting as the preferred partner of local authorities in reconsidering the place of the car in the city and contributing to the regulation of LEZs/LTZs.”

says Sébastien Fraisse, President of the Executive Board of INDIGO.






Société Anonyme à Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance au capital de 160 044 282 Euros Siège Social : The Curve - 48-50 Avenue du Général de Gaulle


800 348 146 RCS Nanterre                                                                                                                                                                        




Analyst / Investor contact:  

Press contact:

Mathieu Barnavon

Bruno Tallent

About INDIGO Group S.A.

The INDIGO Group, which owns nearly 100% of INDIGO Infra, Indigo Neo and INDIGO®weel, is a global player in parking and urban mobility, managing more than 1.4 million parking spaces and their associated services in 10 countries.

INDIGO Group is indirectly 49.3% owned by Crédit Agricole Assurances, 34.4% owned by Vauban Infrastructure Partners and 14.9% owned by MR Infrastructure Investment GmbH (MEAG), and held 0.2% of its own shares in treasury, with the Group’s management owning the remainder of the shares.


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Société Anonyme à Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance au capital de 160 044 282 Euros Siège Social : The Curve - 48-50 Avenue du Général de Gaulle


800 348 146 RCS Nanterre