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Jason Binn, CEO and Founder of DuJour Media, is now an official member of the Entrepreneur Leadership Network

Jason Binn, a prominent figure in the media and publishing industry, has been accepted as a member of the Entrepreneur Leadership Network. This network is a community of successful entrepreneurs who share their insights and experiences to help others grow their businesses. Binn's inclusion in this network is a testament to his accomplishments as the CEO and Founder of DuJour Media.

Who is Jason Binn?

Before we delve into the specifics of Binn's acceptance into the Entrepreneur Leadership Network, it's important to understand who he is and what he has accomplished.

Jason Binn is a well-known entrepreneur in the media and publishing industry. He began his career as a journalist and quickly rose to the top of his field. In 2003, he founded Niche Media, a publishing company that produced high-end lifestyle magazines for affluent audiences.

After the success of Niche Media, Binn founded DuJour Media in 2012. DuJour is a multimedia company that produces a luxury lifestyle magazine, a digital platform, and custom content for high-end brands. The company has partnerships with major players in the fashion, beauty, and hospitality industries, and has been recognized for its innovative approach to content creation.

What is the Entrepreneur Leadership Network?

The Entrepreneur Leadership Network is a community of successful entrepreneurs who share their experiences, insights, and advice to help other entrepreneurs grow their businesses. Members of the network have access to exclusive resources, such as webinars, events, and mentorship programs.

To be accepted into the Entrepreneur Leadership Network, entrepreneurs must meet certain criteria. They must have founded or co-founded a company that has raised at least $500,000 in funding or generated $1 million in revenue. They must also demonstrate a commitment to helping other entrepreneurs succeed.

What does Binn's acceptance into the Entrepreneur Leadership Network mean?

Binn's acceptance into the Entrepreneur Leadership Network is a significant achievement. It means that he has been recognized as a successful entrepreneur who has made a significant impact in his industry. It also means that he will have access to exclusive resources and opportunities to connect with other successful entrepreneurs.

Binn's inclusion in the network also reflects positively on his company, DuJour Media. It demonstrates that DuJour is a successful and innovative company that has made an impact in the media and publishing industry.

What can we learn from Binn's success?

Binn's success as an entrepreneur can teach us several valuable lessons. Firstly, he recognized a gap in the market and created a company that filled that gap. Niche Media and DuJour Media both cater to affluent audiences who are interested in luxury lifestyles, and Binn's publications have been successful because they meet the needs of this demographic.

Secondly, Binn has been successful because he has adapted to changes in the industry. With the rise of digital media, he recognized the importance of creating a multimedia company that could reach audiences across multiple platforms.

Finally, Binn's success can be attributed to his willingness to take risks. Starting a company is always a risk, but Binn has been successful because he has been willing to take calculated risks and innovate in his industry.


Jason Binn's acceptance into the Entrepreneur Leadership Network is a significant achievement that reflects positively on his company, DuJour Media. Binn's success as an entrepreneur can teach us valuable lessons about recognizing gaps in the market, adapting to changes in the industry, and taking calculated risks.

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