SCOR acquires Altarea’s stake in MRM. Following the acquisition, SCOR intends to file a simplified public tender offer

SCOR acquires Altarea’s stake in MRM.

Following the acquisition, SCOR intends to file a simplified public tender offer

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imageSCOR, a leading global reinsurer

 Media Relations 


5, Avenue Kléber

75795 Paris Cedex 16, France

Tel + 33 (0) 1 58 44 70 00

RCS Paris B 562 033 357

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European Company with a registered  capital of EUR 1,412,831,041.68

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As a leading global reinsurer, SCOR offers its clients a diversified and Alexandre Garcia innovative range of reinsurance and insurance solutions and services to control and manage risk. Applying “The Art & Science of Risk”, SCOR uses its industry- recognized expertise and cutting-edge financial solutions to serve its clients  

and contribute to the welfare and resilience of society.  Investor Relations

 Thomas Fossard

The Group generated premiums of EUR 19.4 billion in 2023 and serves clients in around 160 countries from its 35 offices worldwide.   


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